Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Brake Systems 3.0

After attempting to clean up the fossilized brakes, it was decided to order new parts and start over.

Removal of the front rotors was impossible.  Fortunately, my friend Peter had a "smoke wrench" (ie. Oxy-acetylene torch) which he used to heat the caliper bolts red hot.  With some grunts, he was able to loosen the 20 years of rusty attachment.  Peter also sourced and installed new rotors, shoes, pads, and the necessary hardware to finish the project.  The calipers and brake carriers were retained and restored by first placing duct tape over all the rubber fittings and ventilation valves.  Plugs from Home Depot were screwed into the brake hose inlets to exclude dust.  Using a bench lathe the calipers and carriers were thoroughly wire brushed followed by sand blasting to base metal.  (see picture DSC05101).  The metal was then primed and painted using heat resistant VHT - Ceramic Coating Flat Grey Primer (SP100) and finally painted with several light coats of VHT - Ceramic Coating Flat Blue (SP110).  See picture DSC05109.  This paint was sourced from O'Reilly Auto parts and the manufacturer claims it can withstand 1300-2000' F.

Picture DSC05101 showing brake carriers after rotary wire brushing on a bench lathe (bottom pair) and finally sand blasting (top pair). 

It initially appeared that the protective plates (visible in picture DSC05065) might require replacement.  The plates were distorted when the retention clips were pulled out.  Next time the retention clips will be rotated 90 degrees prior to pulling them out.  With careful use of a hammer it was possible to bend the plate back such that the clips would hold properly.  This was good news, since the removal of the protective plate apparently involves irreversibly pulling the real wheel bearings apart and their replacement !!

Picture DSC04968 showing the fossilized initial state of the right rear brake assembly.

Picture DSC05065 after removal of the original components and replacement of the parking brake shoes and internal mechanisms.

Picture DSC05066 showing placement of new right rear rotor.

Picture DSC05109 showing restored caliper and bake carriers with new pads.  OEM brake pad wear sensors from a local dealership were also included in the rebuild. 

The 325i now has fully functional 4 wheel disk and parking brakes.  It is time to drop in the Warp 11 motor !!!!!