Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Redesigned Bus Bars

Original bus bar design

DSC01811 showing original bus bar configuration.  The bars are long and they pass over the full top of the controller.  After the main battery connections are made, then the B+ pre-charge terminal (top just left of center) is obstructed.   One defect to this design is the closeness of all of the terminal bars.

DSC02196 After all power connections have been made, this picture shows that the B+ pre-charge terminal is hidden under the bus bar that connects the fuse (white top center) to the B+
 controller terminal (center left).  

Second version with shorter bus bars

The redesign requires significantly less copper plate to make the bus bars and the top of the controller is much less congested, but the design requires that the polarity of the controller motor terminals be reassigned.  Controller terminal U1 must be changed to W1, and controller terminal W1 must be changed to U1.  The V1 center controller terminal remains unchanged.  A future post will step by step explain how the controller is reprogrammed.      

DSC02192   End on view of the new bus bars.  These prototypes were hand made and different vertical heights were tried.  The final design will be CNC cut and the U1 and W1 bars will be mirror images.  These bus bars use much less copper when compared to the originals.  The bus bars appear to be close together, but actually they are very separated as is shown in picture DSC02190 and DSC02189 below.  This is a dual shaft motor.

DSC02190 Close up top view showing how the U1 and W1 bus bars are offset (front to back) from the V1 bus bar.  The distance between the controller housing and the U1 and W1 bus bars is about half the distance between the controller housing and the V1 bus bar.

DSC02189 showing that the U1 and W1 bus bars are recessed and in a different plane when compared to the V1 bus bar.

DSC02195 New bus bars after placement of the controller outer box.  Note that the B+ pre-charge terminal (on bottom right of controller between the V1 and W1 controller terminals.) is no longer obstructed.  

Edited 12/20/2023

DSC02204 DSC02199 End view showing that both the motor terminals and the bus bars are fully enclosed within  the controller box by including a "drop down" leg in the design.