Thursday, July 19, 2012

Final Dimensions

The adapter casting still requires exact measurements for each of the holes required for both mounting and alignment.  Not having access to automated measuring equipment, the plan is to take measurements using a Fowler 24” span caliper. (All-Spec Industries, Inc. part number 541000241).

Picture 4754 showing the 24” span Fowler caliper next to a 6” Mitutoyo electronic caliper.

The Fowler instrument has a resolution of 0.0005 inch,  but we understand that its accuracy is to  within 3/1000 of an inch, so a calibration may be necessary.  A series of measurements will be taken between all of the mounting locations, the dowel pins, and the flywheel flange face.  Finally, the average values will be calculated.  Some math, with the help of some PC software, will then be used to calculate the final dimensions required by the machine shop.  The dowel pins must be correctly located relative to the spline shaft to minimize both wear and vibration during operation.


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